Mar 2, 2014

March 2

Class Meeting Notes

On Friday, Feb. 28, students participated in a class meeting. Students discussed lunchroom behaviors, cell phone use at school, playground and line-up behavior, respect issues, and excessive noise in the classroom.  Students will be bringing home a paper with detailed notes of this discussion.  Please review these notes with your child and reinforce the importance of respectful and polite behavior. Please sign it and have your child return it to school.  Thank you.

Social Studies/Language Arts & We the People

Students have transitioned from the American Revolution to the writing of the Constitution.  To engage students in civics education we are using the program We the People.  We the People was created by the Center for Civics Education and is sponsored by Congress.  The culminating activity in  this project based learning design is a mock Congressional hearing at which students will read prepared written statements and answer questions regarding the Constitution before a panel of judges.  The date of the mock Congressional hearing is Wednesday, April 16, 6-8 PM.  This is a change from the original date set at the beginning of the year. Please make every possible effort to have your child attend this powerful learning experience.


We are ending up our fractions unit of study, but will continue to work with fractions as we analyze data, solve problems, and in measurement.  We will examine fraction/decimal relationships and begin a data analysis unit.


We are ending our FOSS Mixtures and Solutions unit by investigating chemical changes.  Students will begin a life science unit examining food webs and food chains. Students will learn of the importance of plants in food chains and plant structures.  A focus on trees  will combine science and art. Students will be designing wood tables for the up-coming Art Auction. 

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