Sep 29, 2013

September 30

Fall Fest

Caughlin Ranch's fun-filled Fall Fest will be held on Friday, October 4.  I know the Fall Fest committee is in need of volunteers.  Fliers went home this past Friday with more detailed information.  If you would like to volunteer your time or some baked goods, the office has the information.


The students' Independent Reading Assignment is due this coming Friday, October 4.  This assignment includes students' AR points, a story map and character analysis on a realistic fiction book (this was a two sided sheet of paper handed out more than 3 weeks ago), and a WOW! Words bookmark. 

Students are expected to read every night at home.  They are also encouraged to read in the classroom after finishing required assignments.


We are finishing up Unit 2 in Everyday Math.  They will be taking a multiplication assessment and the Unit 2 Checking Progress test in the next few days.

Common Core Standards state that 5th grade students need to be fluent in the standard/traditional algorithm for double digit multiplication.  Some students are still struggling with this algorithm.  You may want to check your child's homework to see how they are progressing using the standard algorithm.

The next Everyday Math unit is geometry based.  As we work our way through this unit, we will also begin practicing simple division.

Social Studies

Students will be introduced to a European explorer from the Age of Exploration this week.  They will begin researching their explorer in the library and during computer time.  Research will be presented in the form of an Explorer Trading Card.  Students will be given instructions and an outline for this project during the week.  I will take student in-put as to when this assignment will be due. Because students will need to work on this assignment at home, this assignment will take the place of one  Zaner-Bloser weekly writing assignment.


Mixtures and solutions is being investigated during our labs.  Students earn a lab grade based on their active participation, ability to follow written and verbal instructions, demonstrations of proper lab behaviors and use of equipment, and cooperation with their science team.  In this week's main lab, students will need to write a materials list and procedure for separating a mixture of gravel, salt, and diatomaceous earth powder.  Then follow their procedure for separation.


This week students final draft of a Batty Opinion will be due Wednesday. Their rough drafts of this essay were due Friday and have been commented upon.  As a class, students will read, analyze, and compare their essays to  examples of well written essays on Monday.  This will help them in the revision process.  A focus point for revision will be smoothing out transitions.

This week's writing assignment will be another opinon essay on whether or not schools should be nut-free zones.  Information for this topic will be supplied by a Time For Kids article.

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