Below is an outline of our studies and up-coming school events.
We are currently reading the children's novel There is a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom. This novel provides a vehicle for studying realistic fiction, character analysis, plot structure and theme. Students were given an Independent Reading assignment on Monday, August 25. As part of their Independent Reading, students were assigned an AR point goal based on their STAR reading test and reading MAP scores. Students may read any books at their reading level to reach their point goal; however, at least one book must be in the realistic fiction genre. For the realistic fiction book students will complete a story map and analyze the main character. Students will also complete a WOW! Word bookmark collecting ten new or interesting words from any of the books they read and writing down the definitions. This Independent Reading assignment is due .We are also engaged in reading informational texts through our studies in science and social studies.
Language Arts
Students are completing their Me Essay. The purpose of this essay was to introduce students to the writing process and five paragraph format we will be using throughout the year as we practice writing informative, persuasive, narrative, and opinion pieces. Students will be asked to type these essays to gain fluency using word processing programs. If students do not have access to a computer at home. They may come in before school, during recess, or after school to use a classroom computer.Our next essay will be a persuasive piece: Why donate to the Caughlin Ranch Jog-athon?